Welcome to CCICT 2025 ( 11-12 April, 2025)
The aim of CCICT organized by BMIET – B. M. Institute of Engineering and Technology , Sonipat , Delhi -NCR, INDIA in association with St. Andrews Institute of Technology and Management, Gurugram , India is to bring together researchers, developers, practitioners and educators working in the area of computational intelligence and communication technology for exchanging knowledge that encompasses a broad range of disciplines among various distinct communities. It is expected that researchers will bring new prospect for collaboration across disciplines and gain idea facilitating novel breakthrough. The theme for this conference is innovating and inspiring the researchers to adopt the outcome for implementation. The conference will provide an exceptional platform to the researchers to meet and discuss the utmost solutions, scientific results and methods in solving intriguing problems with people that actively involved in these emerging fields.
Conference Record Number: #65753
Conference Approval Link
Venue: BMIET Campus, Sector 10, Delhi-NCR, Sonepat (HR) INDIA